SHF: Young Scholar Program
Since April 2024, Colombia (Felehansen) and Indonesia (PerMaTa-YDTI) have been implementing this pilot project, initiated and supported by the Sasakawa Health Foundation, to establish a new system for the sustainable identification and promotion of new leaders who can serve as role models for other people affected by leprosy and strengthen

TLM NL: Training in reconstructive surgery and physiotherapy, part 3
In November 2024, with the support of TLM Netherlands, Dr Wim Theuvenet and Dr Ton Schreuders, we held a third round of training in reconstructive surgery and physiotherapy. The venue was the Elim Hospital in Toraja and two hospitals in Ambon. Orthopaedic surgeon Dr Iswahyudi from Tajuddin Chaled Hospital in

Misereor: Empowerment of young people affected by leprosy in Bantaeng and Barru
We are now almost at the end of our empowerment project supported by Misereor Germany in the districts of Bantaeng and Barru in South Sulawesi. Meanwhile, strong and active teams are running independently in Barru and Bantaeng. They carry out awareness-raising activities in communities and schools and offer peer support

SHF: Young people affected by leprosy in Sulawesi and Ambon: Peer support to overcome self-stigma
Pangkep, Maros, Soppeng, Sidrap in South Sulawesi and Ambon City in Maluku – these are the districts we cover in this empowerment project with the support of the Sasakawa Health Foundation. The young teams of PerMaTa South Sulawesi visits their peers in these districts and encourages them to join our

TLM NL: Training in reconstructive surgery and physiotherapy, part 2
TLM NL. Makassar 2023. Last year we were able to organise the first part of a training in reconstructive surgery and physiotherapy for persons affected by leprosy at the Tadjuddin Chaled Hospital in Makassar, South Sulawesi. Dr Wim Theuvenet and Dr Ton Schreuders came as course instructors, and the Leprosy