5 November 2021. Leprosy is only feared so much because people don’t know what it is. Dare This Indonesia (YDTI) and PerMaTa South Sulawesi inform society through a number of different media. Sasakawa Health Foundation (SHF) supported us to get television and radio involved in awareness raising.
We organized a number of TV talk shows with leaders from PerMaTa South Sulawesi, an organization of persons affected by leprosy, as main speakers.
Not only do they share their personal experiences, but they also discuss the challenges of leprosy control programs and stigma reduction in Indonesia today.
With a radio station in the Gowa district, we held 12 radio interviews with 2 events per month. Here, too, the young people affected leprosy speak for themselves. This is also a way of building their confidence and self-efficacy.
Last but not least, several films have been made together with TV stations, that show the lives, challenges and hopes of persons affected by leprosy in South Sulawesi in a positive and inclusive way. These films are broadcast nationwide and are also used as information material in other ways.