Talkshow about leprosy on national television

TVRI talkshow

8 February 2022. Part of this year’s World Leprosy Day celebrations and activities was a talk show on national TVRI. Invited were Ms. Andi Erna, Head of the Provincial Health Department for Communicable Diseases, Al Qadri, Vice Chairman of PerMaTa National and member of the YDTI Board, and Kerstin Beise, Chair of YDTI.

Joining from Japan via zoom was Yohei Sasakwa of the Sasakawa Health Foundation (SHF) and WHO Goodwill Ambassador for the Elemination of Leprosy.

The talk show was moderated by Bung Eddyman Ferial. Topics were general information about leprosy, its consequences, especially stigma and discrimination and the activities of YDTI, PerMaTa South Sulawesi and the Leprosy Control Program to stop leprosy infections and enable people to live a dignified life. We hope that many people have seen the program and learned that leprosy is curable and does not lead to disabilities if caught early.

We thank TVRI, SHF and the provincial health department for their support!

TVRI talkshow
TVRI talkshow
TVRI talkshow
TVRI talkshow

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