January 2023. As part of our VOICE empowerment project, we organized gender training from 26-28 January. Our Sipakatau and Pakarena teams were invited, but also young people affected by leprosy from 7 other districts of South Sulawesi. A total of 32 young people came together and it was a great joy to see both experienced ‘senior activists’ and completely new young women and men interact. Not only did they learn about the difference between gender and sex and the often double burden of women in patriarchal South Sulawesi; they also practiced discussing in groups, voicing their opinions and speaking in front of others. The participants supported each other, had a lot of fun and went home with many new experiences and insights! On the fourth day, after the training, everyone got together again to celebrate World Leprosy Day! Thanks to our excellent trainer Ms. Rosmiati Said from LBH Apik Sulsel!
As always we also thank VOICE for their support!
The project is implemented by PerMaTa South Sulawesi and YDTI.
Voice is a consortium managed by Oxfam Novib and funded by The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.