15 August 2021. This activity, as part of a project supported by the Sasakawa Health Foundation (SHF), was aimed at young people from the PerMaTa Takalar and PerMaTa Sinjai branches. The members of the branches PerMaTa Gowa and Bulukumba accompanied the training as facilitators.
On the first evening everyone introduced themselves and small groups were formed.
On the second day there was a session on self-stigma, presented by Ermawati and Irwansyah from PerMaTa Gowa. The second topic dealt with leadership and self-development and was delivered by Yuliati, the leader of PerMaTa South Sulawesi. She also talked about communication, which was continued with practical exercises by Salmawati, Ronni, Arfah and Ridho from Gowa. In the evening there were further practical exercises on the exchange of experiences, dreams for the future and solidarity, which were led by Ms. Anti as a moderator.
On the third day there were outbound activities in the mountains of Malino. Fortunately the weather had improved and the rain from the previous day had stopped. PerMaTa Gowa members were distributed to 4 posts to lead different activities at each post. In the afternoon everyone was on their way home again.
All participants were satisfied, they had had many experiences and deepened or started friendships that will help them to continue their commitment as PerMaTa members and to live their lives to the full.