TLM NL: Training in reconstructive surgery and physiotherapy, part 3

In November 2024, with the support of TLM Netherlands, Dr Wim Theuvenet and Dr Ton Schreuders, we held a third round of training in reconstructive surgery and physiotherapy. The venue was the Elim Hospital in Toraja and two hospitals in Ambon. Orthopaedic surgeon Dr Iswahyudi from Tajuddin Chaled Hospital in Makassar was present as co-trainer. In addition, Dr Diana Liben and Dr Sri Wahyuni conducted a refresher training on leprosy diagnosis and treatment at Elim Hospital for 30 participants from hospitals and health centres. Post-operative therapy is still ongoing. We are planning further operations and training in more techniques at Tajuddin Chaled Hospital in July 2025.

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