25-28 August 2022. As part of the VOICE-funded Pakarena project a big event took place in the mountains of Malino, South Sulawesi. During the first 2 days, 10 newly identified young people affected by leprosy from Gowa district had been invited for initial capacity building, facilitated by the Sipakatau team with the support of the Pakarena team / jilid I. We call these new people now Pakarena / jilid II and are very optimistic that some of them will continue to become involved in our activities and together with PerMaTa South Sulawesi support other people affected by leprosy.
For the second half of the event the elderly people were invited, who have been supported by Pakarena / jilid I since the beginning of the year. They are all affected by leprosy and most of them have severe disabilities. It was absolute fantastic to see young and old interacting together and having so much fun! As a result of the various activities, a work plan has been set up for the young people to follow up on needs identified together, and to carry out advocacy visits at the local authorities to find solutions for some of these needs.
A big thank you to all participants and to the oganisation team for their excellent and hard work! Thank you to VOICE who made this event possible.